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Statute of the Media Research Centre of the Pedagogical University of Krakow


General provisions
§ 1

  1. The Centre for Media Research, hereafter referred to as the Centre, is established, transformed and dissolved by the Rector of the University.
  2. The Centre functions within the structure of the Faculty of Philology, retaining the status of a University general level unit.
  3. Activities of the Centre  are regulated by the University Statute and the present Statute.
  4. The Centre is based in the University Building in 9, Jęczmienna St., Krakow.
  5. The authority over the Centre is vested in the Director of the Centre, nominated by the Rector.
  6. The supervision of the research, scientific and educational objectives of the Centre is entrusted to the Centre’s Scientific Board



Objectives and tasks of the Centre
§ 2

The objectives and tasks of the Centre are in particular:

  1. Within the University, to initiate, coordinate and conduct interdisciplinary innovative scientific research on the media and media content in the ever-changing cultural-civilizational context (in the fields of communicology, film studies, pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, political science, history, culture studies and media studies),
  2. To initiate, and participate in, public debates on the media system in Poland and in the world, on the level and quality of the media education, and on the development of informational-communicative competence and media competence,
  3. To prepare expert proposals of innovations in the media education system and the quality of the media content (tu dałam przekaz jako treść) in Poland,
  4. To conduct expert research and to commercialize such research,
  5. To support all activities fostering the media education in Poland,
  6. To create and improve research tools for media- and media-content research,
  7. To conduct seminars and to organize scientific conferences in the field of scientific research on the media, in cooperation with Polish and foreign scientists,
  8. To cooperate on a regular basis with other universities and research centres in Poland and abroad, in the areas associated with the Centre’s activities,
  9. To cooperate on a regular basis with the regional education offices, teacher training centres, schools, and media representatives,
  10. To produce scientific publications,
  11. To conduct training workshops and courses for persons involved in media management, teachers, and graduate, post-graduate and doctoral students, in the areas associated with the Centre’s activity,
  12. To conduct current analyses (also commissioned by external bodies) of the educational needs and the educational situation in Poland in the field of the media education,
  13. To cooperate on a regular basis with Ośrodek Inicjatyw Edukacyjno-Społecznych (Centre for Social-Educational Initiatives) and Europejskie Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego i Multimedialnego (European Centre for Life-long Learning and Multimedia Education).



Financial provisions
§ 3

  1. The Centre is financed from external funds obtained by the Centre, e.g. research grants, EU grants and EU programs funds, local government funds, funds obtained from the universities and research centres cooperating with the Centre,  and the funds obtained from the Centre’s educational activities.
  2. The Centre may request allocation of funds from the Faculty of Philology Dean’s budget and from the University’s central budget
  3. The Centre’s income shall be divided as follows:
  • 10% shall be transferred to the central budget,
  • 90% shall remain at the Centre’s disposal, to be allocated to cover all the expenditure related to the Centre’s activity
  1. The body responsible for the financial management of the Centre is the Director of the Centre.
  2. If a deficit is incurred,  the Rector shall decide whether it is to be covered from the Rector’s reserve budget, or whether the Centre is to be dissolved.



Organizational structure of the Centre
§ 4

  1. The Centre is under the supervision of the appropriate Vice-Rector
  2. The Centre’s activity is managed by the Director of the Centre, who answers to the Rector concerning the financial aspect and the realization of tasks in the Centre.
  3. The scientific program of the Centre is in the management of the Advisory Board. Its members are nominated by the Rector for the period of four years.
  4. The tasks of the Advisory Board are as follows:
    1. To inspire and indicate the directions of the research conducted in the Centre.
    2. To review and assess projects and publications.
    3. To control the scientific quality of the research conducted in the Centre.



Final provisions
§ 5

  1. In all cases not listed in the present Regulations, the decision is made by the Director of the Centre in consultation with the Rector.
  2. The Statute of the Centre was approved by the University Senate on ……
  3. The Statute of the Centre comes into force on the day indicated by the Rector in the appropriate directive.
  4. Amendments to the Statute are introduced following the same procedure as that applicable in the approval of the Statute.